The new CO2 transmitter series EE850 and EE820 from E+E Elektronik allow highly accurate and reliable measurements of CO2 concentrations up to 10,000 ppm. The applied infrared measurement principle (dual wavelength NDIR* procedure) is particularly insensitive to pollution. The transmitter’s autocalibration function automatically compensates for aging effects.
The multi-point CO2 and temperature factory adjustment procedure leads to excellent CO2 measurement accuracy over the entire working temperature range. The measured values are available as either analog current or voltage outputs. An optional kit facilitates easy configuration and adjustment of the transmitters.
The EE850 CO2 and temperature transmitter for duct mounting is ideal for applications in building management or process control. A mounting flange enables easy installation of the sensing probe directly into the ventilation duct. The CO2 sensing cell is well protected inside the transmitter. For CO2 measurement, a small amount of air flows through the divided probe, into the transmitter housing, and back into the duct. The temperature sensor is located inside the probe. The EE850 offers an additional option for a passive temperature sensor output with a 2-wire connection.
The EE820 CO2 transmitter is designed for particularly demanding applications. The robust, functional housing with a special integrated filter allows for use of the EE820 in polluted environments such as agriculture, stables, incubators, or greenhouses. Excellent temperature compensation even allows for use of the EE820 outdoors.
*) non-dispersive infrared technology